Monstera Care Guide

Monstera Care Guide - SunSwill

With the right care, Monstera can be a stunning addition to your indoor plant collection, bringing a touch of the tropics to your home. Let's dig into the details of this plant's care and maintenance:

Light Requirements:

Monstera plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate some shade, but their iconic split leaves might not develop as prominently in low light conditions.


Water your Monstera when the top inch or two of the soil feels dry to the touch. Ensure that the pot has proper drainage to prevent water from sitting at the bottom, which can lead to root rot.


Monsteras are fast-growing plants and might need to be repotted every couple of years or when they outgrow their current container. When repotting, choose a pot that's 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current one and ensure it has good drainage.

Grooming or Pruning Needs:

Prune your Monstera to control its size and shape. You can remove yellow or damaged leaves and any unwanted aerial roots. Regular pruning can also encourage more branching and fuller growth.

Compatibility with Pets:

Monstera plants are not pet-friendly. They contain calcium oxalates, which can be toxic if ingested by pets, causing irritation in the mouth and digestive system. It's essential to keep them out of reach of cats and dogs. Contact your local vet or emergency pet care provider if you suspect possible ingestion. 

Additional Tips for Ensuring Plant Health and Growth:

  1. Monstera, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is known for its unique split leaves. To encourage the development of these splits, provide adequate light and mature growth conditions.

  2. Monsteras are tropical plants, so they appreciate higher humidity. Consider placing a humidifier nearby, misting the leaves regularly, or placing the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

  3. Use a stake or moss pole to support your Monstera as it grows. This will help it grow upright and provide support for its large leaves.

  4. Always use well-draining soil when repotting to prevent water-logging and root rot.

With the right care, Monstera can be a stunning addition to your indoor plant collection, bringing a touch of the tropics to your home. However, always ensure it's placed in an area inaccessible to pets due to its toxicity.